Electric Square Launch a New Menopause and Menstruation Policy!

Menopause and periods are a normal part of life, but they can still feel like taboo topics—especially at work. Research shows over two-thirds of people dealing with these symptoms say it affects their work, and many don’t ask for help because of stigma or fear of being dismissed. At Electric Square, we want to change that! 


With this policy, we’re making sure everyone feels:

  • Comfortable talking about what they’re going through
  • Supported when they need it
  • Educated and aware of how these things impact life and work


Special thanks to Henpicked for their amazing training and awareness sessions. They’ve helped us take a massive step towards creating an even more understanding, inclusive workplace where everyone feels like they belong. 


This policy is just the start. We’re committed to keeping the conversation going, smashing stigmas, and building a workplace where you can always be yourself.


Here’s to making ES a workplace where everyone thrives, one step at a time. 




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